Male and female. That’s it.

Male and female. That’s it.
We are not sure when this basic reality became so controversial…
But nowadays even stating this simple biological fact could get you cancelled by crazy leftists and their allies in the mainstream media.
We would go even further: There are only two genders, not 52 as radical gender activists are now claiming.
Anyone can feel the way they want of course. And nobody has to conform to male and female stereotypes.
But nobody should be forced either to use absurd pronouns or be in a bathroom or locker room with a member of the opposite sex just because some people decide to identify differently.
We are not afraid of telling the truth, the Left can’t intimidate us.
WE honestly cannot believe that body mutilation has become a normalized solution for what has historically been seen as a mental health issue, that is, not feeling comfortable in your own body.
And that we need to wholly transform our society to adapt to this trend!
And the worst part?
They’re pushing this nonsense on our kids!
Across the countries curriculums are being updated to teach these ludicrous ideas to children of younger and younger ages.
Young kids are being encouraged to transition because they don’t fit into gendered stereotypes.
What happened to the Left? They went from vilifying gender norms, to promoting childhood transition based on these exact same norms!
Help us bring sanity back to politics…