Only in canada: chronically ill, poor, homeless people being advised by medical professionals to end their lives

Only in canada: chronically ill, poor, homeless people being advised by medical professionals to end their lives
Would you believe if we told you that chronically ill, poor, homeless, and people struggling with mental illness are not getting the help they need, but instead, are being advised by medical professionals to end their lives for convenience?
MAID, or Medical Assistance in Dying, is up 32.4% in Canada since last year and accounted for 3.3% of all deaths in the country.
You probably assume that medical homicide is typically an option for chronically ill people or people facing imminent death. But there is a slew of reasons why Canadians are choosing this tragic path.
As of March next year, even mental illness will be included as a criterion for this physician-assisted suicide.
If you agree that Medical Assistance in Dying is not a cure for depression, poverty, or despair, please sign our petition at or by clicking right here.