
Shocker!! Tyrant moron Trudeau is beyond an embarrassment, sings while in London for royal funeral

Shocker!! Tyrant moron Trudeau is beyond an embarrassment, sings while in London for royal funeral

Canadian Tyrant, moron Trudeau is beyond an embarrassment, sings while in London for royal funeral Canadian Tyrant Crime Minister Trudeau has drawn criticism for a viral video that shows him singing “Bohemian Rhapsody” days before the Queen’s state funeral – even though it was meant as a “spontaneous homage,” reports said Monday. Trudeau’s crassness has […]


Tyrant, globalist, crime minister Trudeau booed in London, hours after he was caught belting out Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody

Tyrant, globalist, crime minister Trudeau booed in London, hours after he was caught belting out Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody

Tyrant, globalist, crime minister Trudeau booed in London, hours after he was caught belting out Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody On his way to attend the state funeral of Queen Elizabeth II, Trudeau was met by hecklers who jeered and booed at him as he joined his security entourage The backlash against Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s […]


Only in Canada: Tyrant Trudeau still keeps Remaining COVID Restrictions, terrorizing Canadians

Only in Canada: Tyrant Trudeau  still keeps Remaining COVID Restrictions, terrorizing Canadians

Only in Canada: Tyrant Trudeau still keeps Remaining COVID Restrictions, terrorizing Canadians Tyrant Crime Minister of Canada Trudeau did not confirm nor deny whether he’s about to lift much of the remaining federal COVID-19 restrictions after several media reports predicted as much in recent days. “Every step of the way through this pandemic we’ve been […]


Biden says ‘Covid pandemic is over’? Elections in sight???

Biden says ‘Covid pandemic is over’? Elections in sight???

Biden says ‘Covid pandemic is over’? Elections in sight Biden declared the coronavirus pandemic “over,” in apparently off-the-cuff remarks that reflect the growing sentiment that the threat of the virus has receded, even as hundreds of Americans continue to die of covid each day. “We still have a problem with covid,” Biden said on “60 […]


Is the war on natural immunity over?

Is the war on natural immunity over?

Is the war on natural immunity over? There has been a coordinated and orchestrated attack on natural immunity by health bureaucrats and media since March 2020, but as data grows proving its superiority, this unscientific notion may finally be coming to an end A recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) found […]


Shocking document: How the US planned the war and energy crisis in Europe

Shocking document: How the US planned the war and energy crisis in Europe

Shocking document: How the US planned the war and energy crisis in Europe In what appears to be an exceptional internal leak from the think tank RAND Corporation, known among other things to have been behind the American strategy for foreign and defence policies during the Cold War, a detailed account is given of how […]


Polio Emergency in NYC: criminal Bill Gates to be blamed ??

Polio Emergency in NYC: criminal Bill Gates to be blamed ??

Polio Emergency in NYC: criminal Bill Gates to be blamed ?? when there’s a viral emergency, Bill Gates is somewhere to be found close by, and as in other cases, partly to blame for the emergency in the first place. A state of emergency was just declared in New York City over polio virus. The […]


‘Trudeau Must Go’ hashtag movement keeps growing on Twitter

‘Trudeau Must Go’ hashtag movement keeps growing on Twitter

‘Trudeau Must Go’ hashtag movement keeps growing on Twitter Crime Minister of Canada #TrudeauMustGo A new trend has emerged on Twitter recently. Users are making posts where they describe themselves, say who they are, what they do for a living, write the phrase “Justin Trudeau thinks I’m a problem and that I hold unacceptable views,” […]


Mask science gets its day in court…

Mask science gets its day in court…

Mask science gets its day in court The Chief Litigator at Liberty Coalition Canada featured the testimony of four expert witnesses against the College of Chiropractors of Alberta (CCOA). James Kitchen is an Alberta-based lawyer and Chief Litigator at Liberty Coalition Canada (LCC) — an organization dedicated to upholding liberty, human rights and constitutional freedoms. […]


Serbian (globalist) president Vucic cancels then approves gay parade in Belgrade

Serbian (globalist) president Vucic cancels then approves gay parade in Belgrade

Serbian (globalist) corrupted president Vucic cancels then approves gay parade in Belgrade.. Due to fairy tale promises and maybe treats from European and globalist Gay organizers, corrupted president of Serbia first cancels and then approves gay parade in Belgrade scheduled for September 17 2022… a number of those individuals will be coming to Serbia under […]


If Covid 19 pandemic taught us anything

If Covid 19 pandemic taught us anything

if the COVID-19 pandemic taught us anything: it’s that whatever climate restrictions globalists impose on us, will not be obeyed by them RushHourNews


2024 Ford Mustang Dark Horse Is a Badass New Breed of Pony

2024 Ford Mustang Dark Horse Is a Badass New Breed of Pony

2024 Ford Mustang Dark Horse Is a Badass New Breed of Pony Made with LOVE dedicated to all GREEN GLOBALISTS… 🙂 500 horsepower. That is what the new Ford Mustang is projected to produce. Ford unveiled the new gas-powered model on Thursday. Car enthusiasts call it a badass. The 2024 Ford Mustang Dark Horse is […]

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