


There's definitely a climate emergency now🥴 that red is so scary… — ZoDiAcZ34 (@ZoDiAcZ34) July 21, 2022 CLIMATE CHANGE BY CORRUPTED GOVERMENTS How narrative can change pointe of view on “global crisis”


Protests are growing all across Ecuador

Protests are growing all across Ecuador

Protests are growing all across Ecuador over a spike in prices for fuel, food and other basic necessities, driven by global inflation Iza responded that Lasso was trying to turn the protests “into a political issue” because he had failed to solve the problems. A state of emergency remained in place across six provinces, […]


Covid Theatre – by corrupted PM and Western governments

Covid Theatre – by corrupted PM and Western governments

This is how it looks like when we have “ELITE MORONS” governing people and bringing the law… It was pure theatre. Never forget. — James Melville đźšś (@JamesMelville) July 21, 2022


Amazon is spying on you

Amazon is spying on you

AMAZON IS PROVIDING YOUR PRIVATE RING DOORBELL FOOTAGE TO POLICE Documents released last week suggest video footage collected by Amazon Ring devices is being recorded and provided to law enforcement. Such footage was provided to police at least 11 times in 2022 without users’ consent. Ring is a doorbell camera that offers peace of mind […]


CM Trudeau’s nitrogen policy will decimate Canadian farming

CM Trudeau’s nitrogen policy will decimate Canadian farming

In December 2020, the Trudeau government unveiled their new climate plan, with a focus on reducing nitrous oxide emissions from fertilizer by 30% below 2020 levels by 2030. “Fertilizers play a major role in the agriculture sector’s success and have contributed to record harvests in the last decade. They have helped drive increases in Canadian […]


Protestors go off on CM Justin Trudeau during his visit in Sudbury

Protestors go off on CM Justin Trudeau during his visit in Sudbury

The video begins with one of the protesters speaking with Trudeau, “Will you shake my hand holding a freedom flag?” Where are his voters? I don't know a single one or have seen any support — Coltino Crisciano (@cjc1589) July 9, 2022 Trudeau responds, “Thank you, you had your twenty seconds” as he gives a […]


The Dutch Uprising

The Dutch Uprising

The Dutch people are rising up to protest destructive WEF climate law The World Economic Forum controlled Dutch government announced last week an end to modern farming – putting harsh controls on nitrogen, and spelling the end to thousands of family farms. So far, the global media has vilified the farmers, brushing aside their concerns […]


More than 50 churches have either been vandalized or gone up in flames in Canada recently

More than 50 churches have either been vandalized or gone up in flames in Canada recently

There’s not much to celebrate in Canada’s Christian community these days. More than 50 churches have either been vandalized or gone up in flames in Canada in the past few months. It may just be one of the most criminally under-reported stories of the year. The mainstream media has been awfully quiet about it, and […]


Who is Anthony Fauci? Lier? Thief? Mass Murderer?

Who is Anthony Fauci? Lier? Thief? Mass Murderer?

Who is Anthony Fauci? Before the pandemic, he was an obscure bureaucrat like the rest of the public health deep state. Then the virus rocketed him to celebrity status, making him the face of the U.S. pandemic response. He became a media darling, regularly appearing on television and magazine covers. He even earned himself a […]


‘Natural Immunity’ => NO VACCINE * Sen. Rand Paul DECLINED IT – nature heals

‘Natural Immunity’ => NO VACCINE * Sen. Rand Paul  DECLINED IT – nature heals

Having already contracted COVID-19, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., said he is not going to get vaccination for the virus, because he already has developed natural immunity. “Until they show me evidence that people who have already had the infection are dying in large numbers, or being hospitalized or getting very sick, I just made my […]


Doctors can knock covid out with treatment DOCTORS, please, ACT NOW..SAVE LIVES

Doctors can knock covid out with treatment  DOCTORS, please, ACT NOW..SAVE LIVES

“.. While every doctor who treats patients needs to see this video, so does anyone who fears getting a positive diagnosis. Covid-19 is treatable and if you or your loved one gets the dreaded diagnosis, you can and should demand access to treatment. For those at highest risk of severe illness, it will increase the […]


NASA’s Perseverance Mars Rover Extracts First Oxygen from Red Planet * WHAT ABOUT EARTH and OXYGEN???

NASA’s Perseverance Mars Rover Extracts First Oxygen from Red Planet * WHAT ABOUT EARTH and OXYGEN???

NASA is so proud to announce latest experiments and discoveries on MARS.. : NASA’s Perseverance Mars Rover Extracts First Oxygen from Red Planet * ***************************** “.. Mars’ atmosphere is 96% carbon dioxide. MOXIE works by separating oxygen atoms from carbon dioxide molecules, which are made up of one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms. A […]

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