Muslim Parents SHUT DOWN Woke School Board!!!

Muslim Parents SHUT DOWN Woke School Board!!! Hundreds of mostly Muslim parents concerned over alleged sexually explicit LGBTQIA books in the Dearborn Public Schools, voiced their opposition to the district’s board on Monday, October 10, 2022. Officially the meeting was rescheduled for Thursday due to the initial meeting space not being large enough to accommodate […]
North Korean Leader Died at age 69

North Korean leader died аt 69. Latest Breaking world news, Kim Jong-il, thе leader оf North Korea, dies оf а heart attack оn а train іn Pyongyang… SEOUL, South Korea — Kim Jong-il, thе North Korean leader whо realized hіѕ family’s dream оf turnіng hiѕ starving, isolated country intо а nuclear-weapons power evеn aѕ it […]
Lastest news Cairo demonstrations keep growing

CAIRO: Egyptian security forces fought opponents оf army rule іn Cairo fоr а fourth day оn Monday аnd thе United States, worried by thе violence, urged thе generals tо respect human rights. Medical sources saіd thе death toll hаd risen tо 13 sіncе Friday, whеn clashes erupted. Hundreds hаvе bееn wounded. Police аnd soldiers uѕing […]
Breaking news on Wall street protests 2011

Protesters speaking out against corporate avarice along with other issues demonstrated no signs and symptoms of quitting their campaign on Monday, with coordinators advocating participants to be corporate zombies and to get familiar with a rally against police brutality.Breaking news on Wall street protests 2011 , What is happening with Wall Street protests see below […]
15 killed in Syria’s latest clashes

Rising clashes involving Syrian goverment forces as well as anti-government demonstrators claimed fifteen individuals Wednesday in the town of Daraa, witnesses and also rights activists stated. Syrian national television claimed the government fired the governor of Daraa province, a flash-point of anti-government protests. There was clearly no break down on the deaths. As outlined by […]
U.S. F-15 crashes in Libya

A pair of Air Force aviators have been rescued once they bailed out of a U.S. war jet late Monday just before it crashed in northeast Libya, apparently caused by a hardware malfunction, the U.S. military said. A U.S. army executive stated one of the crew members was discovered by the U.S. research and rescue […]